Economic Growth of Bantaeng Regency in 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bantaeng Regency

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Economic Growth of Bantaeng Regency in 2023

Release Date : February 28, 2024
File Size : 0.67 MB


The economy of Bantaeng Regency in 2023, as measured by the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices, reached Rp 12.75 trillion and at constant 2010 prices reached Rp 7.50 trillion. 
  • The economy of Bantaeng Regency cumulatively during Year 2023 against Year 2022 experienced a growth of 5.56 percent. In terms of production, the largest growth occurred in the Electricity and Gas Procurement Business Field at 22.16 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the highest growth occurred in the LNPRT Consumption Expenditure Component by 8.10 percent.
  • The largest contributor to the economy of Bantaeng Regency in 2023 in terms of production still comes from the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries business field worth 22.85 percent. From the expenditure side, the largest contributor came from the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) component of 49.92 percent. 
  • The highest source of economic growth in Bantaeng Regency in 2023 from the production side is the Processing Industry business field worth 2.83 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) component was the highest source of growth at 3.03 percent.

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