Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bantaeng Regency by Expenditure, 2012-2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bantaeng Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bantaeng Regency by Expenditure, 2012-2016

Catalog Number : 9302023.7303
Publication Number : 73030.1703
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 18, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1 MB


Gross Regional Domestic Product by expenditure (PDRB Spending) is one form of economic data display of a region, in addition to other forms of look like GRDP by business field, Input-Output Table, Socio-Economic Balance System, and Fund Flow Balance. In the framework system (frame work) economic data of a region, PDRB Spending is a basic measure (basic measure) that describes the use of goods and services (product) generated through production activities. In this context, the Spending GRDP describes the "final" outcome of the production process taking place within the territorial boundaries of a region. Various types of final goods and services will be used to meet the final demand by domestic economic actors and economic actors from outside the region even from abroad. Some important aggregates can be derived from this Spending Gross Domestic Product such as the End Consumption Spending variable, gross fixed capital formation or physical investment, as well as exports and imports.
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