Santap Pagi : Internalisasi Hasil Survei Budaya Organisasi (SBO) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bantaeng Regency

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Santap Pagi : Internalisasi Hasil Survei Budaya Organisasi (SBO)

Santap Pagi : Internalisasi Hasil Survei Budaya Organisasi (SBO)

November 4, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, November 4, 2024, BPS Bantaeng Regency conducted another “SANTAP PAGI : Sharing Between Employees in the Morning” with the theme ‘Internalization of Organizational Culture Survey Results (SBO)’ to provide an overview of the Implementation of BerAKHLAK in BPS in general and BPS Bantaeng Regency in particular during 2024.

Internalization of SBO was delivered by the Change Ambassador of BPS Bantaeng Regency, Afif Fathur Reza, A.Md.Stat. The average value of the Bantaeng Regency Behavior Implementation Index is 64.4% with the category “Good Enough” which shows that BPS Bantaeng Regency employees have implemented the values of Behavior in their daily work behavior well. The behavior with the largest index is Competent with 73.3% points.

After the internalization, it was continued with the socialization of BPS Regulation No. 3 of 2024 concerning Procedures for Granting Employee Performance Allowances by the Head of BPS Bantaeng Regency, Mrs. Lukitoningtyas, SST., M.Si.
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