Pelatihan Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS Kabupaten Bantaeng - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bantaeng Regency

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Pelatihan Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS Kabupaten Bantaeng

Pelatihan Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS Kabupaten Bantaeng

August 20, 2024 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, August 20, 2024, BPS Bantaeng Regency held a training activity for prospective officers “Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS in 2024”.

The training was opened by the head of BPS Bantaeng Regency, Mrs. Lukitoningtyas, SST, M. Si. Furthermore, the material was delivered by Mr. Ali Imran Mansyur, A.Md.Stat. This training aims to prepare officers so that the implementation of the SLS EA updating that will be carried out runs well and smoothly so as to produce up to date SLS masters and maps for reference to updating the sample frame.
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