Focus Group DIscussion Bantaeng Publication In Numbers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bantaeng Regency

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Focus Group DIscussion Bantaeng Publication In Numbers

Focus Group DIscussion Bantaeng Publication In Numbers

December 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Thursday (14/12), BPS Bantaeng Regency has carried out a Focus Group Discussion on Bantaeng Publication in 2023 Figures. The FGD was opened by Mrs. Lukitoningtyas, SST., M.Si as Head of BPS Bantaeng Regency. Furthermore, material was delivered by Mr. Poniman S, SS from Diskominfo-ST who discussed One Data Indonesia and Mr. Ali Imran Mansyur, A.Md.Stat from BPS Bantaeng Regency who delivered material on Monitoring and Evaluation of Sectoral Data of Bantaeng Publications in Numbers. Bantaeng is expected to present quality DDA data publications that can be utilized by all parties and on time.
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